
This site contains information on the BIC-seq2 software, described in

Xi et al, Copy number analysis of whole-genome data using BIC-seq2 and its application to detection of cancer susceptibility variants, Nucleic Acids Research, 2016. (click to go to the journal site)

For non-academic use, please email Dr. Tatiana Demidova-Rice at Harvard University Office of Technology Development (


BICseq2 is an algorithm developed for the normalization of  high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data and detect copy number variations (CNV) in the genome. BICseq2 can be used for detecting CNVs with or without a control genome. There are two main components in the algorithm:
  1. BICseq2-norm is for normalizing potential biases in the sequencing data.  Download code
  2. BICseq2-seg is for detecting CNVs based on the normalized data given by BICseq2-norm. Download code
The general pipeline using BICseq2 for CNV detection is as follows.
    1. Get the uniquely mapped reads from the bam file (you may use the modified samtools as provided here).
    2. Use BICseq2-norm to remove the biases in the data.
    3. Use BICseq2-seg to detect CNVs based on the normalized data.
  1. Get the uniquely mapped reads from the case and the control  genome bam files, respectively
  2. Normalize the case and control genome individually using BICseq2-norm
  3. Detect CNV in the case genome based on the normalized data of the case genome and the conrol genome. 

BICseq2-norm usage

Before using BICseq2-norm, you have to first compile the C code. To compile, you may simply type

make clean

After the compilation,  you can use the perl code for normalizattion.
Usage: [options] <configFile> <output>
        -l=<int>: read length
        -s=<int>: fragment size
        -p=<float>: a subsample percentage: default 0.0002.
        -b=<int>: bin the expected and observed as <int> bp bins; Default 100.
        --gc_bin: if specified, report the GC-content in the bins
        --NoMapBin: if specified, do NOT bin the reads according to the mappability
        --bin_only: only bin the reads without normalization
        --fig=<string>: plot the read count VS GC figure in the specified file (in pdf format)
        --title=<string>: title of the figure
        --tmp=<string>: the tmp directory;

<configFile> specifies the location of the configure file that has the necessary information for normalization (see below for the format of the configure file)
<output>  is the file that stores  the parameter estimates in the GAM model. This is not useful for general users.

The <configFile> has the following format

chromName  faFile MapFile readPosFile binFileNorm
chr1 chr1.fa hg18.CRC.50mer.chr1.txt chr1.seq chr1.norm.bin
chr2 chr2.fa hg18.CRC.50mer.chr2.txt chr2.seq chr2.norm.bin

In the <configFile>,  the columns should be tab-delimited. The first row of this file is assumed to be the header of the file and will be omitted by BICseq2-norm.
The  1st column (chromName) is the chromosome name
The 2nd column (faFile) is the reference sequence of this chromosome (human hg18 and hg19 are available for download)
The 3rd column (MapFile) is the mappability file of this chromosome (human hg18 (50bp) and hg19 (50bp and 75bp) are available for download)
The 4th column (readPosFile) is the file that stores all the mapping positions of all reads that uniquely mapped to this chromosome
The 5th column (binFile) is the file that stores the normalized data. The data will be binned with the bin size as specified by the option -b

Mappability files:

BICseq2-seg usage

Similar to BICseq2-norm, you can first compile BICseq2-seg by

make clean

After compilation, you can detect CNV with the perl code

Usage: [options] <configFile> <output>
        --lambda=<float>: the (positive) penalty used for BICseq2
        --tmp=<string>: the tmp directory
        --help: pring this message
        --fig=<string>: plot the CNV profile in a png file
        --title=<string>: the title of the figure
        --nrm: do not remove likely germline CNVs (with a matched normal) or segments with bad mappability (without a matched normal)
        --bootstrap: perform bootstrap test to assign confidence (only for one sample case)
        --noscale: do not automatically adjust the lambda parameter according to the noise level in the data
        --strict: if specified, use a more stringent method to ajust the lambda parameter
        --control: the data has a control genome
        --detail: if specified, print the detailed segmentation result (for multiSample only)

As with the original BIC-seq algorithm, the --lambda parameter is the main parameter used for tuning the smoothness of the CNV profile. The larger the parameter is, the less segments the file profile will have. The default value is 2.

<configFile> stores the necessary information for BICseq2-seg to detect CNV
<output> stores the final CNV detection results.

<configFile> has the following format (it should be tab-delimited and the first row will be treated as header and ignored).

chromName binFileNorm
chr1 chr1.norm.bin
chr2 chr2.norm.bin

The 1st column (chromName) is just the chromosome name
The 2nd column (binFileNorm) is the normalized bin file as obtained from BICseq2-norm

chromName binFileNorm.Case binFileNorm.Control
chr1 CaseChr1.norm.bin ControlChr1.norm.bin
chr2 CaseChr1.norm.bin ControlChr1.norm.bin

The 2nd column (binFileNorm.Case) is the normalized bin file of the case genome as obtained from BICseq2-norm
The 3rd column (binFileNorm.Control) is the normalized bin file of the control genome as obtained from BICseq2-norm
Note: If you have a control, you must specify to "--control" let BICseq2 know that the data is a case/control study.

How to cite BIC-seq2:

Xi, R.*, Lee, S., Xia, Y., Kim, T. and Park, P.* (2016) Copy number analysis of whole-genome data using BIC-seq2 and its application to detection of cancer susceptibility variants, Nucleic Acids Research, 44(13):6274-86.
Xi, R., Hadjipanayis, A.G., Luquette, L.J., Kim, T.M., Lee, E., Zhang, J.H., Johnson, M.D., Muzny, D.M., Wheeler, D.A., Kucherlapati, R., and Park, P.* (2011). Copy number alteration detection in sequencing data using the Bayesian information criterion, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 108(46):E1128-36.

Frequently Asked Questions.

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