H3K9me3 (multiple)

Source Catalogue # Lot # Host Species Clonality Validations?
W: Western blot validations
D: Dot blot validations
C: ChIP-chip/seq validataions
Passed / Total?
  • Western blot: Pass if the histone band constituted at least 50% of the total nuclear signal, was at least ten-fold more intense than any other single nuclear band, and was at least ten-fold more intense than recombinant, unmodified histone.
  • Dot blot: Pass if at least 75% of the total signal was specific to the cognate peptide.
  • ChIP-chip/seq: Pass if the Pearson correlation is more than 0.8 on any pair of ChIPs performed from independent preparations matched for stage, cell type or biological tissue
Millipore 07-442 DAM1411287 rabbit polyclonal
3 / 3Chart?chs=36x36&cht=p&chco=008000|eeeeee&chf=bg,s,ffffff00&chp=4


Category Species Result Notes Conditions Image Validator
Western blot worm Passed Single histone band 3 ug/ml ON at 4C open Strome and Ahringer Lab
Dot blot Passed Specific (75%); Cross-reacting peptides: H3K27me3 (10-25%), H4K20me1 (10-25%), H3K36me3 (<10%), H3K79me3 (<10%), H3K79me2 (<10%) 1:5000 1 hr at 37C open Strome and Ahringer Lab
ChIP-chip/seq worm Passed Strome and Ahringer Lab