Supplementary Material
Larschan E*, Alekseyenko AA*, Gortchakov AA, Peng S, Li B, Yang P, Workman JL, Park PJ, Kuroda MI. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, 2008
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NimbleGen Data
The raw data are available in GEO (Series GSE11817) .
The normalized data are available here (21Mb).
File description for normalized data:
Column |
Description |
1 |
chromosome |
2 |
probe location (start) |
3 |
probe location (end) |
4 |
MSL3-TAP (Embryo) wild type |
5 |
MSL3-TAP (Embryo) wild type |
6 |
MSL3-TAP (Embryo) ΔCD mutant |
7 |
MSL3-TAP (Embryo) ΔCD mutant |
8 |
MSL3-TAP (Embryo) SYD62A mutant |
9 |
MSL3-TAP (Embryo) SYD62A mutant |
Probe Design file (63MB)
Please direct your questions to Peter J. Park.