H4K20me1 (multiple)

Antibodies (9)

Source Catalogue # Lot # Clonality Validated Species Validations?
W: Western blot validations
D: Dot blot validations
C: ChIP-chip/seq validataions
Passed / Total?
  • Western blot: Pass if the histone band constituted at least 50% of the total nuclear signal, was at least ten-fold more intense than any other single nuclear band, and was at least ten-fold more intense than recombinant, unmodified histone.
  • Dot blot: Pass if at least 75% of the total signal was specific to the cognate peptide.
  • ChIP-chip/seq: Pass if the Pearson correlation is more than 0.8 on any pair of ChIPs performed from independent preparations matched for stage, cell type or biological tissue
Abcam ab9051 714660 polyclonal worm
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Abcam ab9051 506983 polyclonal fruit fly
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Abcam ab9051 519198 polyclonal fruit fly, human
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Abcam ab9051 104513 polyclonal fruit fly, worm
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Active Motif 39176 1008001 polyclonal worm
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Diagenode SN-147-100 001 monoclonal worm
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Hiroshi Kimura Lab 15F11 monoclonal multiple
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Hiroshi Kimura Lab 22G3 monoclonal multiple
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Hiroshi Kimura Lab 12C8 monoclonal multiple
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